Shop online

Alcuni dei nostri prodotti possono essere acquistati online presso quSome of our products can be purchased online at these e-commerce sites. On this page you can find our selected retailers where you can purchase the products directlyesti siti di e-commerce TortaPistocchi®

This page contains links to other websites that we have no direct relationship with TortaPistocchi®.
TortaPistocchi® does not control or monitor these websites and their contents.
TortaPistocchi® cannot be held responsible for the contents of these sites and the rules they adopt with regard to your privacy and the processing of your personal data during browsing operations. We therefore ask you to pay attention when you connect to these websites via the links present and carefully read their conditions of use and privacy regulations.
TortaPistocchi® provides links to other websites only to facilitate its users in searching and finding some of its products online.
TortaPistocchi® does not guarantee the contents, services or goods provided by them and sold to Internet users.

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